Siriwan Sway Fenris Fangs
Breed | German Shepherd Dog |
Registered | German Shepherd Longcoated (non FCI) Old Style German Shepherd |
Birthyear | 2020 |
Colour | Tri-Color Sable |
Height | 58 cm |
Weight | 30 kg |
Wolf content | 0 % |
Breeding dam | Yes |

Same as her parents, Sway is a very friendly dog. In looks and personality she inherited more of her father. She has a sweet and sensitive nature, is cuddly, very social and loves cats, horses and kids. Her unique tri-coloured markings are an eye catcher. Sway has harmonious proportions, a strong bone structure and the warm brown eyes of her mum. Though she loves to run and derives from working lines for at least 50%, Sway is a family dog with all her heart, enjoying most to be with her people, her mum and the other animals, going for walks and cuddle up.

Health- and DNA Tests
X-ray | Results |
HD | HD-A (clear) |
ED | ED-0/0 (clear) |
OCD (Elbows and shoulders) | Clear |
OLO/LÜW | Clear |
Spine | 7 vertebrae |
DNA Test | Results |
MDR1 | N/N Clear |
Degenerative Myelopathy | N/N Clear |
Haemophilia | Clear |
Dwarfism | Pending |
PRA/CMR/Glaucoma | Clear |
Dentition | Complete Scissor bite |
Embark COI | 21 % |